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Showing posts with the label body

Loving the Body

Hello again!       I believe that this will be my first blog that is truly helpful in the direction of growth. From what I've learned about myself, I must first go back and acknowledge what has happened in order to cause my insecurities and lack of confidence before I can grow away from them.       Some of the occurrences I still do not prefer to talk about unless it is with a close friend, but others I think are more than okay to share.      Honestly, I had a fairly good and fortunate home life. My parents stayed together, I had a mostly enjoyable older brother, and cousins and grandparents were always close. Although certain things in my home life could have contributed to some of my insecurities, I cannot blame them on my home.     I believe the issues really started with school. I was a little chubbier than the other kids. I was taller than most of the boys and all of the girls. Looking back at pictures, I was not...