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Showing posts with the label self

8 Tips to a Better Daily Life

     Honestly? I absolutely love my life. Almost everyday of it I do my best to enjoy to the fullest. I loveeee how I'm living currently. Do I still have some toxic traits and habits that bring me down? Hell yea! Everyone does! But regardless, life is amazing.      This is recent though! I used to dread getting up in the morning. I used to groan about work and I complained about school every day. I grew to love and enjoy my life and it took some serious sacrifices. I had to let go of a guy who I thought I wanted to marry, I had to stop taking a medicine that I'd been on for months, and I had to make some crazy life changes.      Today, I'm writing this blog to hopefully guide you into loving your life as well, but be prepared to make some sacrifices along the way. 1. Find your priorities      Somethings are worth our effort, energy, and stress and others just aren't. Growing up, I was always told that school is your number one ...

Loving the Body

Hello again!       I believe that this will be my first blog that is truly helpful in the direction of growth. From what I've learned about myself, I must first go back and acknowledge what has happened in order to cause my insecurities and lack of confidence before I can grow away from them.       Some of the occurrences I still do not prefer to talk about unless it is with a close friend, but others I think are more than okay to share.      Honestly, I had a fairly good and fortunate home life. My parents stayed together, I had a mostly enjoyable older brother, and cousins and grandparents were always close. Although certain things in my home life could have contributed to some of my insecurities, I cannot blame them on my home.     I believe the issues really started with school. I was a little chubbier than the other kids. I was taller than most of the boys and all of the girls. Looking back at pictures, I was not...