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Showing posts with the label breaking up

7 Tips to Moving On

      If you've read my prior post, you know that I chose to break up with my boyfriend of seven months. I had been loosely debating if he was the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and some of his recent actions had answered for me. I didn't want to be angry or upset, but after the break up, he continued to text and direct message me over three separate apps. Finally, today, I think all of the messaging and texting is over and we can both finally move on.      I've spent a lot of today answering questions about myself, writing, and reading about how to get over someone, but here is my spin on it. 1. Do not text them     Yea, I know. I screwed up this part which is why I feel like I can talk about it. The break up was my decision and my doing, but of course leaving my best friend still hurt really badly. When I broke up with him, it was an in person action, and he made no effort to change my mind or fix it. That nigh...