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Showing posts with the label healing

Non-Linear Healing

      From those blessed to the easiest, silver spoon lives to those struggling with severe problems, we all have something to heal from. As difficult as starting the healing process may be, a lot of times staying on that process is even harder. Healing mentally and emotionally are the same as healing physically, it takes rest, a little abnormal exercise, and there are a lot of bad days still in there. To add some support and guidance to your amazing journey of healing, here are some of the things that really helped me along my journey along with my story.     I was a extremely toxic person and sometimes I still am. I would ruin peoples days just because of my mood, I was always upset, and I chose horrible friends. I put myself in relationships that were abusive, toxic, and sometimes just wrong. Even worse, I gave myself no recovery time. If things ended with a toxic boy, there would be another one in just a few days. I developed eating disorders, horrible ...