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Showing posts with the label after

Leaving When Nothings "Wrong"

      If you're reading this, then you probably already know that even though nothing is wrong, something obviously isn't right with whatever situation that you're currently in. It should be easy that if nothing is wrong then everything must be right, but you and I both know that it isn't always that simple.      First, I want you to know that I started writing this in aspects of a romantic relationship, but now I am realizing that it can apply to a variety of situations. My experience in this subject is coming from my most recently ended relationship, a few older relationships, and now a job position that I had to leave.      First of all, if you're reading this, then you more than likely already know if you should leave or not, but I will gladly give you the reaffirmation that you are searching for. Here are my main signs that I look for when I start to feel less than comfortable in a situation.  1. Are You Happy?     Not spe...

Recovering After a Breakup

      Breakups absolutely suck. That's just the truth. Trust me, I have had my share of bad relationships, break ups, rebounds, and complete heartbreak. Due to my experiences, I feel as though I am able to provide you with a little guidance on how to move on based on what's helped me.     First, I will provide a little background to stabilize my opinion. My most recent relationship was fine I guess...he just wasn't the person that I wanted to commit to spending the rest of my life with, so I ended it. Before that, I was stuck as the side chick in a long distance relationship and as much as I wanted to leave, the guy would threaten with suicide, so I was unable to until I dmed his girlfriend so that my part in the relationship could end. Before him, I was in an abusive relationship with a guy who ended up ghosting me. And in my first relationship, I was cheated on at least seven times.     To say the least, I've had my share of good and bad an...

7 Tips to Moving On

      If you've read my prior post, you know that I chose to break up with my boyfriend of seven months. I had been loosely debating if he was the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and some of his recent actions had answered for me. I didn't want to be angry or upset, but after the break up, he continued to text and direct message me over three separate apps. Finally, today, I think all of the messaging and texting is over and we can both finally move on.      I've spent a lot of today answering questions about myself, writing, and reading about how to get over someone, but here is my spin on it. 1. Do not text them     Yea, I know. I screwed up this part which is why I feel like I can talk about it. The break up was my decision and my doing, but of course leaving my best friend still hurt really badly. When I broke up with him, it was an in person action, and he made no effort to change my mind or fix it. That nigh...