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Showing posts with the label understanding worth

Understanding Your Worth

    This specific thing is something that was extremely difficult for me. I liked to place my worth in other people and let them decide it for me, never truly giving myself the love and attention that I deserve. Even still, I allow people to treat me less than I'm worth at times. I have come to the point though, when I start to just get to the point of exhaustion, I leave.   I'm practicing this today. I try to practice this a lot of days, but today is important.      What makes this part of life difficult is not knowing your worth in the first place. How exactly do you know your worth though? How do you discover the worth of something with no price tag or label? 1. Decide who you want to be     Okay, this one is a little confusing but must absolutely be the first step. It doesn't mean your final occupation, location, or anything of that sort. It's literally who you want to be on the inside and outside.       I decided that...