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10 Life Changing Habits to Start

    Sometimes, the life we have simply does not feel like the life we should be having. Working 8-5 five days a week and then cleaning on the weekends just doesn't feel like what we should be doing. It just doesn't feel like living.

    These ten tips are ones that I have personally applied to my life that have helped me feel more alive and productive while lifting my mood, bettering my day, and giving me lots of fun energy.

1. Detoxify your life

    Just like you detox your body of harmful chemicals and bad foods, sometimes we have to detox our daily lives of things that are potentially or proven to be bad for us. This isn't an entirely fun or exciting process, but being around negative things or people can ultimately be part of the reason we have bad days and a negative view on life. 

Some things I removed in my life detox
  1. Watching the News
  2. Unsupportive, immature, or negative friends, family, or coworkers
  3. Foods and drinks that make me feel gross
  4. Negative, sad, or depressing music
  5. Social media apps or people that make me feel bad

2. Wake up early

    I hated this until I did it. I wanted to sleep until at least nine everyday, hopefully eleven if I could. I saw no purpose for being up before the sun or going out before lunch, especially on the weekends. Now, I get up before eight every day, and most weekdays I get up around 6. 

    The perks? Instead of work or school being my day, it's simply part of my day. I get to workout, eat, read, and take my time getting ready before work. I get to be fully awake before driving and walk into work with energy instead of being groggy. It makes me feel much more productive, energetic, excited for the day, and I am able to get so much done in my day. 

3. Start journaling!!

    I love journaling even though I don't do it nearly as often as I would like to. I'm good at typing a journal while I have free time at work, but rarely otherwise. 

    I think journaling is super good for you because it gives you the ability to rant about your days, look back and remember your reasoning for certain decisions, jot down ideas and goals, and you can often look back and remember big events and things that are important. You can write down your feelings, hopes, dreams, aspirations, doubts, guilts, and sadness without anyone judging or trying to correct you. 

4. Enjoy the moment that you're in

    We always look to the future for things to get better. Whether it's getting paid on Thursday, the weekend, the summer, next year, we are always hoping for and looking forward to a time that is not now. I know that even when I go on vacation, I'm looking forward to the views in the sunrise, the fancy dinner later, or the beach sunset, but never the moment that I'm currently existing in. 

    If we can just sit and enjoy the current moment, life becomes so much more full and complete. Yes, I am typing this up at work while I have a class live in the background, but I am enjoying the heater under my desk, the blue sky peaking through the rain clouds, and the Chris Stapleton song playing on Pandora. There are tiny green succulents in front of me and my favorite candle is lit in front of me.

    Would I like to be at home cuddled up with my puppy creating art? Absolutely! I have learned to try and enjoy the now instead of hoping for then.

5. Take time for your mental health

    I have learned that a lot of the problems that build up in my head really aren't so big and I just need to get over it, but somethings aren't quite that easy.

    About once a month, I have a day where I take a long soaking bath instead of a shower, I do a face mask and listen to my "Powerful" playlist, and I relax. I don't take an entire day to do this, but I usually allow myself 1-3 hours after work one afternoon to do these things. 

    We need this time to avoid unnecessary stress, anxiety, and even a future break down. I like to take my mental health time when I've had a few stressful days in a row, a big change is being made, or my head is feeling a little extra cluttered. 

6. Keep your space clean

    Whether your space is your room, your office, your house, your car, or all of the above, it is extremely important to keep it clean. Unnecessary or avoidable clutter can cause stress, irritation, and just a bad day all together. 

    I recommend taking a day or part of a day and just doing a deep clean. From now on, have a designated day every month to deep clean your spaces. Then, once a week or every time clutter starts to build up, just knock down those spots and get them cleared up before it can become overwhelming. 

    Walking into a clean, clear, well organized space allows your head to feel clean and clear as well, which leads to better productivity, less stress, and an overall easier day.

7. Engage with others

    I simply cannot stress how important this is, especially during this time. Take a 15 minute break and call someone. Facetime a friend every night. Spend quality time with your family. A lot of people my age spend a lot of time in their room or in a space completely alone. Video instructors and online class does nothing to make up for this time alone and without actual human contact. 

    We need daily, personal, verbal contact. When hugs, handshakes, and other gestures are ruled out, it's important to make sure we still get to talk to others. Get out of the house if you can, and go find friends or call whoever you can. Go hang out with people! Socializing outside of social media is needed!

8. Find a hobby

    If you already have one then awesome! You can skip this step! If not, go find something that you enjoy or makes you happy! There are plenty of things that you can go out or stay at home and try. The point is to get us all off the couch and do something productive. Personally, I have a pen pal that I chat with, I like to create digital art, and I write these blogs as my hobbies. Sometimes, I will paint, draw, or even tattoo on fake skin. 

9. Make your bed

    Were you waiting for this one? Did you expect it to be here? Well, here's the book if you want to read it, but I will give you my views on this as well. 

    I've been making my bed daily for two months now. I wake up and get ready, making my bed somewhere in the process, but definitely before I leave to really start my day. I've missed two days; the day after my break up and a day when I was in a super rush. 

    When I get up and make my bed in the morning, I have already completed a task before work or school. I start my day feeling productive, neat, and ready to get started. It motivates me to do more throughout my day and I often do get more done when I make my bed in the mornings. Even better, I come home at night and get to snuggle into a cozy, well made, tucked bed with my puppy. 

10. Do your daily affirmations

    This one looks a little different for everybody, and if you're not sure where to start, I would recommend looking through some of these lists

    I do this every morning in my bathroom mirror after I'm fully ready for the day. I simply lean into the mirror, look at myself, smile, and say what is true for that day. Some days this task is super easy and I could go for an hour or more, and other days I can hardly find something positive to tell myself. 

Some of the things that I tell myself 
  • You look absolutely gorgeous today
  • You have such a cute tummy
  • Those thick thighs are amazing at supporting you throughout the day
  • You can make it through today
  • Your eyes are so pretty
  • I love you
  • I am so proud of you
  • You deserve everything this world can offer and more
  • You are capable of whatever you would like to do
    I know some of these may seem silly, out of order, or odd, but they help me appreciate my body, my face, and my body. They help me feel confident, sure, and fully capable, and really provide me with a much better day than I believe I would have without these affirmations.

I love you


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